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He Oranga Taiao, He Oranga Tāngata​   |   People & Place Interconnected As One 


WANOA FOUR is a whānau of intelligent creatives, deeply committed to inspiring pride in identity!   Built from a foundation of cultural expression, a commitment to kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and a practice of prioritising VALUES over volume, Wanoa Four is an intergenerational brand creating timeless garments meant for longevity.  

Our contributions draw from values-based approaches bringing indigenous knowledge and methods to new design applications.

The genesis of Wanoa Four was about celebrating indigenous design and championing indigenous-led solutions.  We have an opportunity to reclaim and embed traditional knowledge systems and practice in response to dominant global fashion, textile and design models ... to consider how ancient knowledge systems, and practices such as kaitiakitanga, can reframe the current take, make and waste overproduction and overconsumption model, returning to design and production methods that are values based, sustainable and regenerative.

Designed and made in New Zealand, we are about celebrating whakapapa (heritage), craftsmanship, innovation and indigenous design solutions - a mash up of meaningful creation where purpose fuels passion and good design. 


Wanoa Four.

Ko Wai Mātou. | This is us!


© 2023 Wanoa Four.

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